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Become a product tester

What is a product sample tester - fit model?

The role of a product sample tester at La Centi is to provide feedback on garments, with regard to size, fit, and how the garment feels to wear. The goal is that everything produced is normal in size, fits well, and feels good to wear. It usually takes a couple of rounds with product samples before achieving the desired result. It is free to sign up.

Free Samples

As a product sample tester for La Centi, you often get a free sample when you test the garments and products. If the samples are to be kept for further testing, you will receive new products from the online store.

Contact us at: post@carlonosa.com

Product Tester

The testing of product samples usually takes place at our office in the studio where we receive the samples. Note that many apply and not everyone who applies will be contacted.